One moms journey through life wondering "am I doing this right?"

Friday, June 1, 2012


Angelina has developmental delays. How many times have I used that term? I can't count the times.. There is nothing like having to admit your child has a delay..any kind of delay. My Angelina has a few. Yes, some how god above decided that our lil angel would be strong enough to handle more than one.
She would be "globally delayed" as they call it.  Children develop skills in five main areas of development. Cognitive Development, Social and Emotional Development, Speech and Language Development , Fine Motor Skill Development, Gross Motor Skill Development. Angelina still is delayed in all 5. But I believe that can and will change in time. I believe. I simply have to.

Angelina's gross motor delays include walking issues. She has severe Femoral Anteversion. Which basically means the femur bone...(largest bone between the hip and knee) did not develop normally and she now appears severly "in toed".
This abnormality was a huge issue when Angelina first started walking ( which wasn't until she was about 2 1/2 yrs old). She tripped and fell every few steps. Along with all my other worries about her well being ( at this stage she was already receiving 30  hours of therapy in Early Intervention) I was a wreck about her walking. We put her in Orthotics up to her knees. It helped her stability but was told it wouldn't solve her physical problems. The orthopedic doctors we saw gave us little information or hope. I had one look at me with a grin and say " Well she won't be any kind of athlete, for sure". Then he basically said bye. When your child is not right ( and your own mind doesn't feel quite right either) you want all the information you can get. I wanted to know it MAY get better. Success stories.....something frigging positive!!!! Or maybe just a smile.

Well this week we took Angelina to see a Specialist in Femoral Anteversion. He was located in Manhattan. I thank Chrissy Delaney for her recommendation. Dr. Scher was a ray of sunshine on my tired, pale face.
I hate taking Angelina to the doctors. I feel like it is a punch in the gut over and over.
Mostly because I find doctors to lack any kind of empathy. Bedside manner means everything to me.
Talk to me like I am a human being and just pretend like you can imagine what I am going through. Don't talk to me like I am a wall you are just reading a script to. Make me understand what is wrong with my child and that you care. Is that too much to ask. Isn't that what the medical world was suppose to do?  Helping people! Wanting to make a difference in someones life?

Dr Scher did just that for me and my husband. He came in to greet us. Listened to us explain why we were there. He spoke softly and explained everything about Angelina's condition. He told me things I never knew and believe me I ask a lot of questions. I never received some of these answers before. He talked to us for a long while...never rushing us or appearing bothered. He gave us the positive and negative possibilities to come. He can't fix Angelina's Femoral Anteversion but he  wanted to help. He made us feel better. He gave us some hope that there could be good improvements.
Hallelujah! I found an awesome doctor! Thank You Dr. Scher.

Yes...Angelina is developing. She is amazing! Beautiful and happy mostly.
Yes... I am developing too. I may really be able to do this after all.

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