One moms journey through life wondering "am I doing this right?"

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Special Dad

Nineteen years ago today I lost my father. I loved him dearly but....
we had a different, complicated relationship. I have always wished I knew him better, understood him more, and had a closer bond. A daughter needs a close bond with her daddy.

My husband Chris and our Angelina have that bond I wish I had with my father.
There is a love there that all little girls wish for. Pure joy and deep love. Not sure who loves whom more. Angelina looks adoringly at him with a big smile that could break your heart. Chris looks at Angelina with such pride and calls her his hero. He believes there is nothing she can't do. He believes she is as special as they come. And it has nothing to do with Autism. He loves her for every little song she screams out of her lungs and every little dance she makes up. He loves her for her stubbornness and her wet kisses. He cant wait to see her everyday and loves to carry off to bed when she snuggles up to him at night. He loves her for all he knows she will be someday and all she may not be.

He simply loves her and tells her so everyday!

Even more than wishing I had that kind of relationship with my father I had always wished for that relationship to exist for my daughter.

I am so lucky!