I often think too much. Way too much. I analyze everything. My husband tells me to stop. How? This is how I am made.
Having an autistic child who is nearly nonverbal doesn't help. I am always thinking.." what is she thinking?" It can drive me crazy at times. I try to stop but can't turn it off.
I read an article today about a mother and her severely autistic boys. It made me start thinking about defining severe autism. I always assumed severe meant a nonverbal child who sits alone and rocks with no interaction with the outside world. Am I wrong? This particular mother had children who spoke few words, had sensory issues, behavioral issues, digestive issues, sleep issues. My Angelina has some if not all those issues. That scares me. What does it change though? Isn't it just another label...severely autistic?
Too much to think about.
I do know for sure...Angelina is severely adorable, funny, happy and most important, severely loved!
Severely loved is absolutely true!